Monday, January 4, 2010

No date, as of yet

I've had a few people ask me lately if I've heard anything regarding a surgery date for Piper, and sadly, I've got no new info. I think this time next week, I will try calling the surgery-booking-lady at BCCH just to see where the list is at and whether or not I should start looking at things happening this month, or maybe I can relax for a while. Maybe this won't happen for a while! She could be much closer to 1 by the time this actually rolls around... who knows.

For now, Piper is getting closer to 8 months old and doesn't have a clue that her world will change a bit, in a little while.
She's had this cough now for almost 3 months, which seems kinda odd, so I think I might go back to the doctor this week just to see if she can hear anything new. I am fairly sure it bothers Piper, and I am certain it bothers me, as she will wake up from a dead sleep from that darn cough.
Her runny nose comes and goes, and at the moment, it is on its way to leaving, so I hope it stays that way.

In other news, we might have to think about lowering her crib soon, as she can pull herself up on it now. Ahk. She is quite proud of herself, too. She is trying her hardest to crawl, but those silly legs get in the way, but she is quite happy to be standing/walking (with my help of course), and quite good at it, too. She might just skip the crawling stage (which I really don't want... but there isn't much I can do about it). My life is on the cusp of some major changes... I can feel it! A mobile baby is much different than a cute, sitting one.
I have to keep reminding myself that mobility is freedom, too. Freedom for her to express her desires a bit more clearly, and to fulfill them, and a tiny bit of freedom for me, knowing she is where she wants to be. Hmmm... we'll see how that plays out.

1 comment:

  1. When Piper starts crawling she can chase after the Foos! Won't that be fun! I feel so bad for little kids when they cough in their sleeps. I *think* it always sounds worse than it actually is though. Hopefully she can kick that cold/cough in the butt soon!
