Alas, all of this week I have been feeling like I should be calling the hospital to ask them something, or check on something, but I really don't have a great reason... Piper has had a nasty cough for over a month now, and now her nose is running somethin' fierce, but otherwise, all it well. She is eating, drinking, playing, growing just fine. I feel like the nurses would give me that "why are you calling us?" tone... So I haven't called.
Well, today, we went to get Pipers shots (late due to the measles outbreak while she was at BBCH... long story), which included measles and chicken pox. I got the awesome nurse I got last time (there are some really great ones out there!) and she ran through some of the "cautions" with me, and one was "does your child have a weakened immune system" due to something or other... and "has your child received blood or blood products in the last 12 months", both of which were a "ummm... yeah".
So the nurse wasn't exactly sure what to do with that, but quickly got on the phone with hematology at BCCH and was talking to our nurse over there discussing whether or not Piper should get this shot, la-la-la. They decided they needed to talk with the hematologist before they moved ahead, just for the unknown factor.
So, here we go for a little more waiting, but it's all for the best, really. It might just be us waiting for a little while longer until she gets those shots. And as usual, the nurse said "keep her away from people who are sick, especially with those illnesses". Yeah, I do my best.
So far Piper has shown such a good resilience to being in this world of sick people. But this residual cough that hasn't gone away is a bit tiresome. This might be her condition for now, that things just linger and don't get better when they really should. I am sure ready for them to get better, but I suppose it's not up to me.
Just last night, I was staring at her in awe just because I can't actually believe that there is anything wrong with her. It doesn't make sense. But there are tiny components I'll never be able to see that are amiss and not quite as they should be... and there is nothing I can do about it. Well, as the nurse pointed out yesterday, continuing to breastfeed Piper is the best defence I can offer her. So I secretly celebrate that small victory, and do feel as though I am doing something; something that no doctor can prescribe, and I only I can do.
Well, I guess this is just the latest update on wee little Piper. She has her next cardio/heme appointment in Oct/Nov sometime and we'll see how that goes. Otherwise, she is happy toddler, doing all the things she should: saying "no" to everything, running around like a crazy thing, climbing and falling and really starting to understand what is going on. She continues to be a delight.