I'm feeling a little sentimental lately, as I watch Piper grow so big more and more each day. I'm sure most parents have moments when they stare at their child and just marvel, something like this: "you're two? How on earth did we make it this far?!" or as you quietly remember how they used to fit cradled in your one arm. Alas, Piper is growing up.
These are all good things. I love watching her figure her world out a little more each day. She is putting words together now more than before and is really understanding a lot of what is going on. She even told us twice today that she had to use the bathroom and it was a success! And she just happens to be wearing jeans today that make her look like she is ready to go to grade 8 (must the flare or something). The lack of diaper-bum seems to make her look really grown up.
I love being able to communicate with her, to tell her what a good job she has done finishing her eggs, or to tell her we have to throw these Cheerio's in the garbage now, or asking her to put her own socks on. Of course, and again, I am sure most parents can relate, with this new ability to communicate comes her strong will. We have certainly had moments of frustration trying to get each other's message across. She is trying my limits and I am learning what really is important in the big picture; when to give and take and when to stand firm. I get little doses of the "average" two-year-old every so often, and I don't always know how to handle that.
But most days, most moments are pretty serene and, well, normal. We are both learning, always learning. I'm so delighted to spend these moments with my girly, as we're each figuring this whole thing out.

Anyways, Piper had a nasty some kind of sickness this last week, with throw-up all Sunday, then diarrhea until Thursday. She hardly ate all week, and I do think she is a little skinnier for it. But now seems all better. So glad to have my normal kiddo back.
We head to the cardiologist this Wednesday for one final check-up before they hopefully send us away for a good 6 months. She'll have an echo and an ECG and then we'll see the cardiologist and nurses. I am not expecting anything crazy to happen. I think her scar is looking fantastic, with no infection and is nice and smooth now, no stitch bumps. We still try to lift her up from her bum, but we are 4 weeks post-op now, so only 2 more weeks to go of that.
Everything looks good from our end of things. Again, you would never be able to tell that Piper has been through all of this, except that every so often, she'll lift up her shirt and point to her incision and say "scar", in a very matter-of-fact tone.
We're so glad it's over, and we are moving forward. Can't wait for the 6 month news on Wednesday :)