So we are back from the pediatrician whom we see in Surrey. He is great little fellow with a lovely disposition (which completely makes up for his receptionists lack-thereof). Our usual appointments were every two weeks, then he bumped us to every three weeks, and now we are down to every month because Piper is doing so well.

We usually go in and he asks us how things have been ("oh, they've been great"), and asks if there have been any concerns or changes that he should be aware of, and usually there aren't. Then he takes a listen to her heart (with his stethoscope with a puppy on it- Piper likes looking at that one) and makes a few marks on his paper. Then if we want to weigh her we do, and then we are out the door. It is usually pretty quick and nothing too exciting.

Today was pretty much the same (except parking was absurd! I parked in a neighboring lot and take that, Impark, I didn't pay!). Piper was near nap time, so it was a bouncy kind of visit, but he asked me how I felt about Piper having surgery.
Initially I responded that I felt ok with it, and just kinda want this whole train to get going so I can stop worrying. But he made it sound like, "you have the option not to, you know".
That is true. As the parent, I have the option to say no to this surgery. At the moment, this is all in our control. Technically, Piper is doing just fine, in that she is growing and progressing at an average pace. The reason we would still want to go through with the surgery is that what if at some point she stops progressing? or slows down in some regard? I want to give her all the opportunities in the world and I don't want anything to slow her down, especially something that is within our power to fix.
Dr. Duncan (cardiologist) also commented that if she were born 100 years ago, and not had the opportunity for the surgery, she would have survived to be about 35-40 years old, and always been that person who couldn't over exert themselves and has to take things easy. Maybe that person who had to always be careful, or who got sick easily. We need to give our child the brightest future we can, given her circumstances.
She will need to recover for at least a week in the hospital (possibly more) and it is open-heart surgery, but she will be in the most capable hands in all the land. And plus, no ones hand is as sturdy as God's, who will be there the entire time.
We feel completely safe going through with her surgery.

They gave her this bull last time she was at BCCH. She seemed to really like the color, so they lady doing her ECG just said "she can keep it. It's brand new". Smile.
Here is a little movie: Piper 2-4 months. Lots changing all the time! Enjoy!
Once again, I love the video! You picked a great song, again! Thanks for the update!