Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What to say now?

I am finding now that Piper's surgery is all done, I don't have a lot more to say on here. I have always intended this blog to be temporary, so it might be close to running it's course. What I would really like to do, is have this blog printed and bound through a printing company (there are a few out there that do that, like blurb). That way, I'll have this journal of this entire journey to put on my bookshelf and pull out whenever I feel like it.

Really, things are going on as usual. Mostly. Piper is still a tiny bit regressed, but it catching up to her normal self all the time now. Some word she used to say she hasn't said again, and she is not yet as brave as she used to. We are not encouraging her to walk more on her own, as, when she lunges towards you, half falling, you grab her up by her armpits, and that is a no-no for us... so we'll wait for that.
I think things will just keep progressing at the pace she chooses. Really, what is that rush?

We went to see the family doctor (awesome woman!), and she clipped a tiny stitch that was sticking up out of the top of Piper's incision. She also picked that scab that was there, too. Euuuk! Glad she did that and not me. There was a tiny bit of pus under there, too, so that was good to clear out. Her scar is looking much cleaner now, in my eyes.

She still doesn't like you looking at it too much, and doesn't like it too much when you prod. But otherwise, she doesn't seem to be in any pain. She hasn't had Tylenol now in a few days, and she is sleeping a little bit better (or I am just getting used to being up 3-4 times in the night). All in all, things are pretty happy over here.
She is playing more independently and I think we might be getting close to chopping out one nap, which would leave us with just one nap a day. Not too sure. She ends up going to bed really late these days, and I think I could push her to take her nap, say, after lunch, and which would go into the afternoon, and thus omit the afternoon (4pm) one, but we'll see. Again, no rush. She's had a lot of change in the last while. I won't push it.

Oddly, and I really didn't expect it, I am feeling much more calm these days. I really didn't think I was all that stressed, but how I am feeling now is literally like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. I am much more calm about life issues and everything. I really didn't see it coming. Life is always changing, continuously, so that is good to be having constant changes to keep things interesting, but with it all, I am feeling surprisingly relaxed.

So, big breath.
Feeling good.
Loving the sunshine. Loving my baby. Loving this life.


  1. aww...I'll be sad if you quit the blog! But I can see your point.... Very happy to hear she is nearly back to 'normal'. I was thinking about this last night and wondering why they never detected the heart condition while Piper was in utero still? I'm sure you've answered that question before, I just don't remember...

  2. oh i love your dad. i looked at that last picture and it made me feel 8 all over again!

    also, i think piper's scar is awesome. i already started envisioning some cool necklace around her neck with that little faint scar behind it.
