Daily notes
Thrusday May 19
Matt's birthday!
Got to see your night nurse Jane home, got here around 6:30am. She was so sweet. Put up with Piper for a rough night. The doctors said "Jane earned her keep" and continued saying Piper was feisty and wild. Thata girl!
She is no longer on midazolam and just on a bit of morphine and lasix and Tylenol.
What really made her feel better was milk. She was just so hungry!
Came back in the morning to see P with a full belly. Apparerly she would clack her arm boards together asking more "more". And would follow the nurse with hawks eyes as she left to get more milk.
The bed rails had to be raised because P was trying to get up and out of bed, and finally sorta awake.
She has a bit of blood in her urine but they figure it's just from all the wiggling. Not too worried.
BP has been much better, normal.
HR good.
When she gets mad, apparently her sats can go right down to 55 or so and she can look a little blue. Again, they figure it's just because she is mad at the world. Not too worried. Will keep an eye on it. Otherwise, her sats stay high, 96-100%.
Gonna keep the chest tube and pacer wires in for now. Will remove the foot IV so she can maybe walk around later.
@ 11 Piper got an anti inflammatory and that seemed to really help. She finally really rested peacefully and then when she woke up, she was not sad. She wasn't happy, but she wasn't sad.
She asked for milk and a sticker and seemed to actually look like herself.
Got to remove her foot and right hand IV and she loved to be free. Even tolerated it when they were taking it out she was fine. She understood it was for good!
As soon as she was free, she wanted to just pick things up and use some of those fine motor skills. Then we gave her the corner of her blanky and pulled it right over her face and fell asleep. So cute.
She has totally calmed down. She seems a little more like herself and we can understand her a little better.
We got moved upstairs!! Right around 2:30pm and we even got the same room as last time. Feels so great to have our own space. We've got a great window with light and our own bathroom.
Piper is happy to sit up in bed and knows what she wants regarding food. They've said now to offer her simple things like crackers and applesauce, but if she wants to eat what we are, they said to go for it. The sooner she is back to normal, the sooner we can go home.
Her cough from before surgery still sounds pretty bad, and I think it does hurt her to cough.
Sounds like she'll get an echo done tomorrow. Should be neat. Just hope we don't need to use any sedation.
Piper will have her vitals checked every two hours. Groan. Not looking forward to that. She hates having her BP and temp taken.
She has a little bit of a grunt with all her breaths but they think it's just discomfort from the tubes.
Seeing lots of people come upstairs from our pre-admin day. That's encouraging. Such a good group of people here!
Overall, a much better day than yesterday. So far, recovery seems a little easier than I thought it would be. Tonight we need to let her sleep and keep fluids up.
Everything is still looking really good to come home on the weekend, then maybe we could still have a nice long weekend as a family!! Daily notes
Go Piper Go ......Such a sweet, smart,feisty little lady and I agree, Piper.....when in doubt EAT. So happy to hear she has her appetite and was able to tolerate IV's coming out with understanding instead of fear.
ReplyDeletePraying for her cough to ease up and for her pain to be well managed without having to dope her up too much. Also praying for God to give you both peace, hope, and endurance for the road yet to travel.
Love Laurie and John