Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baby #2 is "perfect".

I knew today was going to be a little hectic, and there was no way to really brace myself for it. I seem to function a little better when the house is in order and there is food in the fridge, but unfortunately today, we only had a full fridge. So, my day started off a little defeatist.

Anyways, by the time 2:30 rolled around, I was ready to go pick up Matt from work to head to BC Women's hospital for our ultrasound/echo. We've never been to the Women's side of the hospital, so that was new. But as soon as we were there, we saw Piper's cardiologist and our nurse and it immediately felt a little more like home.

The ultrasounds at Women's are great because they don't need your bladder to be inhumanely full, just for you to be hydrated the whole day. So I could pee when I needed to, even once I got there, and I just needed to keep drinking water. Lovely. No near-pants-peeing experiences.

The tech was great and got things going right away. At Women's, the tech has a screen that she can see, and then there is a screen at my feet that I can see the whole time, which is so nice. We see everything she sees all the time. And she tells us all sorts of stuff - all the time. It was such a change from some of the US we've had. She could tell us right away how things were looking and right away things looked positive. Then, within a few minutes, Piper's cardiologist was in there taking a look, too. He said "everything looks normal that I can tell", and reiterated that a few times. The tech agreed.
She continued to look at everything else, and we saw some delightful little toes, some legs and even a really good look at the face (though no profile). The spine, neck, kidneys, head all looked great.

Then, two other women doctors popped in and also took a look. They were cardiologist specialist for neonatal issues, helping with high risk pregnancies etc. They both took a look and agreed that this baby looked normal and "perfect", at that. Thank you for using that word! That is what every mother/parent wants to hear! I felt so good hearing that.

So, it looks like BCCH will not have a new patient this year! Just a repeat one...

Speaking of which, the surgery booking lady left a message for me wanting to see if she could change Piper's surgery date to the 18th of May. Ummmm... I am not sure if I am allowed to say "no" to these sorts of things. I was really hoping to get out of May and into June, when life isn't as crazy. Again, I don't think it's an urgency thing, just a booking preference thing, but I would really rather keep our old date, or at least try for the beginning of June. Ahk.
I will call her tomorrow morning and see what I can do. Nothing is for sure yet, except that this is happening, and the date could possibly be changed.

Otherwise, all the news today is good :)

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