We've had a pretty chill evening, with a trip to Ikea/KMS (and some frozen yogurt!), then I had a much needed shower, which Piper joined me in later. Once we were all clean, we all headed down stairs for an epic viewing of some Planet Earth shows ("Jungles" and "Shallow Seas"... very few snakes, so it made for a good show). Piper just wiggled her heart out on the floor and watched a little, talked to the cat and was pretty happy. We let her stay up for as long as she was happy.
Matt gave her the last dose of Propranolol for today at around 9-ish, so her first and last dose for tomorrow will be at 4am, when all feeding stops. Luckily it will only be about 4 hours fasting, so I think she can make it.
Tonight, if she gets up, I'll feed her without any of my normal qualms. But I will make sure that she gets in her last feeding just before 4am and we'll all have a bit more sleep and then make our way to Vancouver, maybe around 5:45am?
All in all, today was pretty decent. I had a near melt-down right around lunch time, as I was severely tired, hungry and thirsty, hence, an emotional wreck. Luckily, my sister called at just the right time and I could download a little bit. I felt much better after a bit of lunch and a reading break.
Am I afraid? Maybe.
Of what? Nothing really. But everything at the same time.
I don't know how I will react leaving her. Or how I will feel walking away, knowing I can't do anything else for a while. I am a little worried of the "away" time. I mean, we've left her before, but it's not quite the same.
This is a good dry-run at what the days leading up to surgery will be like. I feel like if we can muscle through this time, we can maybe handle that.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for tomorrow. And wow! This isn't even her surgery. I guess this is also a dry-run for all of you, too, and I am already overwhelmed by the love and support. Seriously. Thank you.
I just wanted to add this picture. Its one of my favorites, still. Piper just loves her bath time.
I look at this one and remember how I felt back then (maybe a few days old), thinking 5-6 months is still eons away.
And here we are. Piper is 5 months strong. And this is all actually happening.

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