Saturday, March 20, 2010

Date night = success!

Hoorah! We got out and we even had a good time. Bonus!

A late dinner and then a movie (Alice in Wonderland 3D- pretty fun!). It was all good.

We just went to White Spot for dinner (we really hadn't been there in a long time, and it was just good comfort food that we both knew), and even saw some friends there, and they graciously took this picture of us. I don't normally do this, but I thought this was somewhat momentous.

Anyways, we talked about a bunch of stuff, including a somewhat distant-future bathroom reno. It was nice :)

Movie was also good. A really fun one to see. The lady behind me kicked my chair a rude number of times, so I had to lower my cool 3D glasses and tell her it was time to stop. Geesh. Grown women sometimes can be such a nuisance. (wait a second...)

We got home after 12am, good and tired, but full of smiles. It was pretty relaxing.
Our friends who were watching Piper had an interesting evening of a very awake baby who had a massive poop and just some crankiness. But I am just glad we got out. Piper will get over one crazy night. And so will we.

Today I went with my sister to get hair cuts and our nails done! How girly can you get? (yes, we even picked up Starbucks on the way home)
Here is the new do:

I asked the hairdresser to go as short as possible while I could still put my hair behind my ears. Done. I always love my hair done by this lady :) It is pretty short at the back, but I am happy. And my nails are done a nice happy, grown-up pink/fuchsia.

Anyways, must go! Piper just woke up from a very short nap. Oh man, I might need one of those...


  1. Yay for date night! Yay for awesome hair cut and manicure!

  2. we were at white spot last night too!! but quite early as we had the babe with us. Glad you had a good time. And love the new do!

  3. Glad you got out. That sounds exactly like our date night for our anniversary - dinner and Alice in Wonderland! It's crazy that something so simple feels like the best night ever. Ha ha! I hadn't been to a movie since before Finn came so it was awesome. Oh and your hair looks great! Suits you. Thumbs up.
