These last few days are becoming pretty long... I don't mean to mope, but, well, I am moping. I feel a little bit trapped but trying not to let it sink in too bad.
Last night was not a stellar night for me. My eyes just wouldn't shut when it was sleep time. I ended up watching a whole movie and crawling into bed sometime around 1am. So today I am paying for it. Piper was up a few extra times, too... of course. She might be picking up on my anxiety. I really should try harder to just relax. This isn't helping anyone. Bah.
So my retail therapy wasn't all that therapeutic today. I went to the mall bright and early, but Piper really doesn't love being in the stroller sitting still for long. So I have to keep moving. I ended up getting gifts for people, a totally cute rain jacket for Piper's next spring and some flip flops for Matt. Nope. Nothing for me. I looked hard, too, but I couldn't find anything that caught my eye. Oh well.
I go for a haircut and manicure on Saturday, and I am thoroughly looking forward to that. I want to feel as though I look my best for this next little stint. I know it's kinda vain, but I know I feel more confident and positive when I feel confident and positive about myself.
I just don't want to do this part. You know that feeling at the end of labor and you just think "ok, can I be done now? I'm done. Can I go home?", but you know you have to finish... I kinda have that antsy feeling right now. I just don't want to do these next few days. Even with my filling them with things to do, I am anxious and not feeling great. That is probably not helped by the fact that I have had brownies for lunch two days in a row, and all I want to eat otherwise is Kraft Dinner.
I feel like I am almost purposefully not taking good care of myself at the moment. I feel like I am bringing some of this gloom upon me by not doing enough to counter it.
But I found this bear while reading through some of the pre-op paper work, and he seems pretty happy about all of this. I like his BCCH t-shirt.

Anyways, we'll arrive at BCCH for 7am (leaving our house, maybe just after 6am? last time we ended up leaving earlier than we though just because Piper woke up and was furious to not be eating and going back to sleep, so that car was the only place we thought was smart to go) and then she will be heading into the operating room just before 8am.
And we'll go from there.

We had a nice mini-picnic today, just a snack, but brought out the blanky and just sat outside. It was really nice and Piper seems to really enjoy the outdoors. And finding weeds and bits of things in the dirt. She'll show them to me and then stick them in her mouth before I have time to stop her.
I think it's one of the cutest things to see your baby with dirt under their finger nails. It means they were really playing.
I can't even begin to imagine the anxiety you must be dealing with right now, but there is an end in sight, hopefully these next few days fly by quickly and smoothly.
ReplyDeleteI agree, dirt under the nails is cute!!
Like Laura, I can't even imagine the depth of those feelings that you have right now. I just think of my own kids and think of how you must be feeling. I've got her surgery penciled in on my calendar too so I'll be praying for you all.
ReplyDeleteGo Piper Go! Go Frances Go! Go Matty Go! We are all cheering you down the last few miles of this race! You can do it! Keep slurping down the Gatorade and pacing your breathing...focus on the finish line and how you will look when you cross it. Think about controlling each step you are taking and each breath you are breathing. You know you are going to finish! And we'll all be there too! You can do it! It will be a party! Go Frances Go!!!
ReplyDelete(if only we could get cool mittens with big MFPs on them...like the Olympic mittens!)
We love you!
Anna (and Jeff)
I like your camera lens! =)