Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A poke and a peak!

At the hospital today, I gave Piper a shot of saline, right in the leg, with a real needle. Gold star for Mom! Wahoo! That kid can squirm, but I got it in there and everything seemed ok. Certainly a two person affair.

The thing was, the entire morning, Piper was miserable. I mean, totally and completely inconsolable. She is never like that. You can almost always find something that she likes and makes her better. Not this time. She was a mess.

Anyways, both Matt and I were kinda apologizing for her to the heme nurse who was trying to give us the run down on how to give a needle to a baby (yeah, I kinda wanted to pay attention!), and we thought maybe something was up. She hasn't really been herself for a while now.
It turns out, from her blood test from the morning, her neutrophils are at 1.16! Wow! That is unheard of for Piper-baby. The nurse thinks her body might actually be fighting something and that is why her neutrophils are up like that (they are usually 0.01, or at their highest 0.28). So that kinda puts her mood in check, or at least makes a bit more sense.

So we are holding off on the G-CSF for a few days, as there is no sense giving it to her right now when she has decent levels (they would like her levels to be at 1.0 for surgery). We go back on Friday to see what her neutrophils are doing then. Then, we'll start the G-CSF, probably... or else... it could be that this neutropenia has run its course. I am hardly daring the hope, but you never know.

Right now, we are home after not too long at the hospital (only needed 4 hours of parking), and Piper is taking her fourth nap of the day. Hmmm... yeah, something might not be right. The doctor looked at her thoroughly and nothing seemed unusual, so it might be something he can't quite see, like a sore throat or something. Or those big nasty molars.
Oh man. I am so no ready for molars to come in.

But for now, no more pokes until Friday and we'll see how her blood looks then. We are just retreating into some normalcy as family dwindles away and we are left to ourselves.

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